das Wörterbuch Galizier Minus Englisch

galego - English

senador Englisch:

1. senator

Senator Hoar spoke strongly against the treaty.
The senator was censured by the congressional ethics committee.
He served as a United States senator.
These events transpired while the senator was still in office.
Senator Dole was a hero during World War Two.
The senator has a very demanding schedule this week.
Senator Kerry was considered a liberal.
The senator avowed his devotion to his constituents.
I just received a very gracious call from Senator McCain.
The senator charged that I had distorted the data.
Caius Calvinus Lepidus was an important man in Rom, a senator.
The senator favors a policy that would leave me and thousands of my peers without a job.
The senator remained neutral in the furious controversy.
He was appointed as senator for life.