This is a picture.
This book gives a good picture of life in America during the Civil War.
This is a picture of the first train that ran between Tokyo and Yokohama.
Wow, this brings back memories. This is a picture of when I was five years old.
I like this picture, not because it is a masterpiece, but because it has charm.
I will send you a copy of this picture as soon as I can.
It made Grandfather's day when his granddaughter gave him a picture she had drawn of him.
Tom compared a picture taken of Mary three years ago with one that had been taken recently.
Until Manet painted this picture, his female nudes were limited to goddesses.
My TV set is almost 15 years old, but it still has a good picture.
In order to see that picture better, I want to get a little closer.
The picture on this TV is no good. It keeps flickering.
I can't picture what Mt. Fuji looks like in the spring.
While I was cleaning out my desk, I came across this old picture.
Tom has finished painting the picture of Mary that he's been working on for a couple of months.
Englisch Wort "kép"(picture) tritt in Sätzen auf:
Furniture in Hungarian2.
Large print is especially good for children and the elderly people.
Since he can read such tiny print, he is far from being near-sighted.
Read the fine print whenever you take out a loan.
Small print looks dim.
I saw sorrow's print upon her face.
printed image
Read the small print!
The printer in Peter's office is broken and doesn't print anymore.
A businesswoman by day, Natasja leads a nightlife unfit for print.
You could see his paw print on the key of the phone.
We’re going to print 40,000 copies of the dictionary.
I can't print a project because the printer doesn't work.
You need to read the contract carefully, especially the things written in small print.
to produce books, newspapers, magazines, etc, usually in large quantities, using machines; "Fifty thousand booklets have been printed for the exhibition."