If you're tired, why don't you go to sleep? "Because if I go to sleep now I will wake up too early."
It's early.
Thanks to your help, I was able to finish early.
Tom should go to bed early tonight since he has a test tomorrow.
It's too early in the year for cherry blossoms to be out.
Jefferson was a happy president in those early days of 1801.
In the early days of American history, blacks lived in slavery.
Tom wondered if Mary would think that eight in the morning was too early for him to open a bottle of wine.
In the early afternoon, Tom decided that he just had to get out of the house.
Early the next morning, the circus left for the next town.
The crop suffered serious damage as a consequence of the early frost.
Early explorers used the stars for navigation.
How early do I have to make a reservation to qualify for the discount?
The prime minister hinted at the possibility of an early election.
Catching cancer early increases survival odds.
Englisch Wort "awal"(early) tritt in Sätzen auf:
Top 1000 Indonesian words 176 - 2002.
He decided to feed his dog the rabbit that he had shot earlier that day.
Earlier, as I was walking down the sidewalk, a car drove by and splashed water on me. Look at this! My skirt and shoes are all muddy.
Tom acknowledged that what he said earlier was not true.
Japan's gold and foreign exchange reserves stood at $68.9 billion at the end of 1998, down from $77.0 billion a year earlier.
If you want to catch the 7 o'clock bus, you must leave earlier.
I told you we should've gotten here earlier. Now there aren't any places left to sit.
Earlier in his life, he ran a hotel.
all those years earlier
He said that he was tired and that is why he'd like to go home earlier.
The job-seeking season is starting earlier each year and it's the mass media that are causing that trend by moving up their job interview schedule.
An earlier sense of a word need not be its present basic sense.
It is impossible to burn a copy of Dante's Inferno because the ice of the ninth layer of hell will put out any fires kindled with earlier pages.
We’ve all heard of outdated laws that remain on the books from earlier times, many of which are good for a few laughs.
Why didn't you tell us about this earlier? We'd have been able to do something about it.
Englisch Wort "awal"(earlier) tritt in Sätzen auf:
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