Take my advice!
Giving advice to him is like talking to a brick wall.
Our advice is that the company invest in new equipment.
Thanks to his advice, we could finish it earlier than we had expected.
She will probably refuse to follow his advice, because she doesn't like him.
Tell me whose advice to follow.
His advice to us was that we should play fair.
Outside advice may be necessary.
A few years ago, in San Francisco, a young woman came to us for vocational advice.
Against my advice, he fed his dog some raw pork.
Advice is like salt.
I gave him advice, to which he paid no attention.
You should ask a physician for his advice before taking this medicine.
Acting on your advice, I've decided to exercise more regularly.
If you need help or advice, I'm always here for you.
Englisch Wort "consiglio"(advice) tritt in Sätzen auf:
Falsi amici in inglese 1 - 252.
board meeting
This game design specialist classifies board games by the number of player pieces.
There were long desks lined up, several pipe chairs, and stuck on the bulletin board were a calendar and several printouts.
Anders disassociated himself from an increasingly corrupt board of directors.
Before you can board the plane, you'll have to go through airport security checks.
I teach Mr Lee's children English in exchange for room and board.
He came on board this company with a lot of fanfare and he turns out to have the skill and talent to live up to it.
This further proof that the chairman of the board is a few croutons short of a salad.
Akagi sprained an ankle during practice so before the game he taped it up until it was stiff as a board.
The group of people who are responsible for controlling and organizing a company or organization: Every decision has to be approved by the board. She started in the firm after college and now she's on the board (a board member).
This board is used for surfing and it is made of expensive material.
Definition to board a plane or ship means to get on it. When a plane is boarding, the passengers are getting on it
I broke my board when I was snowboarding
The advisory board had a lot of qualms about her latest album, which she ended up releasing independently.
Englisch Wort "consiglio"(board) tritt in Sätzen auf:
Top 1000 English Words 701 - 7503. committee
The committee stayed up late last night trying to work out measures that would please everyone.
That report was important because it pointed out all the errors the committee had made.
The committee called on all nations to work side-by-side to curb air pollution.
club committee
The committee would like me to have someone to whom I can direct questions or go to for guidance about the city and its resources; I believe, therefore, that you would be a very good match.
The Council Education Committee wants to close a school, but some people don't agree with the idea.
His influence in the committee became weaker and weaker.
The report from the National Development and Reform Committee says that the advance in rural high-speed telecommunication infrastructure is the main reason for the increase in Internet users.
As figures from the National Development and Reform Committee show, the Internet has developed rapidly in rural China.
arbitration, investigation committee
The environmental committee decided to set up a charity to help endangered species.
advisory committee, campaign committee, finance committee, commerce committee
Looks, brains, reflexes, rich family and, for good measure, vice president of the student committee - in other words he's 'perfect'.
But the Nobel Committee said that poverty was a threat to world peace, and Mother Teresa worked against poverty.
The consultant, who is under the authority of the Chancellor, gives the committee advice on important questions.
Englisch Wort "consiglio"(committee) tritt in Sätzen auf:
Top 1000 English Words 751 - 800