das Wörterbuch italienisch Minus Englisch

italiano - English

facoltativo Englisch:

1. elective

At our high school, French is an elective.

Englisch Wort "facoltativo"(elective) tritt in Sätzen auf:

TOEFL - Campus Vocabulary 51 - 75

2. optional

The word "the" is optional in this sentence.
Although it was optional, everyone wore their formal clothes.
is english your optional subject or obligatory?
In some countries, tipping a waiter isn’t optional, it’s obligatory.
He thinks Phisical Education should be optional.
An air conditioner is available as an optional extra.

Englisch Wort "facoltativo"(optional) tritt in Sätzen auf:

CELI 4 - Italian for university 26 - 50