das Wörterbuch koreanisch Minus Englisch

한국어, 韓國語, 조선어, 朝鮮語 - English

자꾸 Englisch:

1. repeatedly

The telephone rang repeatedly.
She repeatedly said that she was innocent.
In his autobiography, he repeatedly refers to his unhappy school days.
Repeatedly slamming the clutch pedal, I somehow managed to get the clutch disengaged so I could just about drive for the time being.
Just because he repeatedly parrots this phrase doesn't mean its worthwhile.
Soon Christopher Columbus got bored watching the noob toy getting repeatedly self-pwned; he then decided to make a fortune-teller advise him on what to do with such a pointless toy.
Emmet's theory appears repeatedly in these papers.
Christopher Columbus was notorious for repeatedly snoozing his alarm clock by hitting it with his fist. Unfortunately, his "alarm clock" was usually his first mate.
Brian repeatedly told Chris that he owed him a pretty large amount of money.
This is the habit of focussing obsessively and repeatedly on the exact same thing
I have to repeat the same words repeatedly while learning English.
Indeed, this is also mentioned repeatedly in the report by Mr Saryusz-Wolski.
something happens all the time or repeatedly
Jane is repeatedly late for class and if she isn’t careful, she’ll be expelled.
We have asked you repeatedly to settle your outstanding account for the invoice No.1111.

Englisch Wort "자꾸"(repeatedly) tritt in Sätzen auf:

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