das Wörterbuch papiamento Minus Englisch

Papiamento - English

rooibiet Englisch:

1. beetroot

I always put beetroot in my salads.
I stained my shirt with beetroot juice.
I always put beetroot in this salad.
n /ˈbiːtruːt/ I always put beetroot in my salads.
I enjoy beetroot and kale smoothies with a dash of turmeric and ground pepper.
a beetroot - burak
I'm going to need five or six big beetroots for the soup.
I don't like beetroot.
i like eat beetroot
I prefer beetroot soup to chicken soup.

Englisch Wort "rooibiet"(beetroot) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Vegetables in Papiamento
Berdura den Ingles