das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

łapanie tchu Englisch:

1. gasp gasp

An old woman gasped her last words at death's door.
After running on a treadmill I gasped for ten minutes.
he was gasping as if he had just run a marathon
he gasped
he gasped for breath
He came out of the smoke - filled room gasping for breath.
He gasped with astonishment.
He gasped for air, yet could not get out any words.
She gasped and started to run back to her room
Several people gasped in horror.
He listened to himself breathing in short gasps.
With a gasp of pure horror, Lewis jumped up and ran.
... on you, and tourists gasp and they flock around...
She could scarcely gasp the words.

Englisch Wort "łapanie tchu"(gasp) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Don't sell my house - part 2
the assassin and the pirat lord
Harry Potter - day 2
tekst 35 str
sam cat s01e01