das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

ściśle ze sobą połączony Englisch:

1. intertwined intertwined

The fact is that historically, art and sex have long been intertwined, particularly when dealing with the avant-garde.
intertwined = hard to separate
The markets of many world countries are closely intertwined.
The researchers explored the intertwined influence luck and talent exert on our lives
Our fates seemed to be intertwined.
a net made of cotton intertwined with other natural fibers
With a monolithic application where all the logic for the application is intertwined, the entire application needs to scale even if only a small part of the application is the bottleneck.

Englisch Wort "ściśle ze sobą połączony"(intertwined) tritt in Sätzen auf: