das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

Aktualizacja Englisch:

1. upgrade

You'll need to upgrade your hard drive to 4Mb before running this software.
Computer software must be often upgraded.
An upgrade is a change to a better seat or level of service.
to be upgraded to business class
It's very simple to upgrade the indexing software. There were no seats left in economy so we were upgraded to business class.
It's a beta version, but I found the upgrade.
Can I upgrade my laptop to Windows 10?
Electing to upgrade the computer lab, the university library went slightly over the budget.

Englisch Wort "Aktualizacja"(upgrade) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Check your vocabulary for Toeic: changes 1
Działy 1-3 ostateczny angol
When things don't work
angielski zawodowy
semestr 3lekcja2

2. Update

This is to inform you of my address change. Please update your mailing list.
We've just updated our website.
The travel guide is updated every two years, so you won't get any out-of-date information.
Aren't you excited that Anki is almost ready to update to a stable version 1.2?
prototype.js - inserts update information into the page when the page is loaded.
Why Don't you update your Facebook profile? It's really old.
They are not responsible for any update.
My applications update automatically.
Can you send us regular progress updates while you're away?
I'm just giving you guys your midday update.
You can update your details on the website if you change your email address.
I need to update my mobile operating system because it keeps crashing.
Our company regularly updates clients database.
You should update your software every month.
Can you update me on what's been happening?

Englisch Wort "Aktualizacja"(Update) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Orange rzeczowniki 752 - 803
Słownictwo potrzebne do sprzedaży telefonów po ang...
Słówka na zaliczenie 1/2
Nauka i technika