das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

Dynamiczny Englisch:

1. Dynamic

All the time we invest and expand our production, especially we focus on dynamic development of gate automation and remote controls on 868MHz freqency.
Europe's dynamic growth has given Europe the opportunity to compete globally.
We are a young, dynamic company.

Englisch Wort "Dynamiczny"(Dynamic) tritt in Sätzen auf:

List of Adjectives that Describe Personality
Urbanizacja słówka

2. vibrant

Thailand is at its most vibrant during the New Year celebrations.
Hong Kong is a vibrant, fascinating city.
Spaniards are very vibrant, they laugh a lot and party every night.
a vibrant, young performer
Mexico City is a colourful and vibrant city where people live their lives in the street.
Bangkok is a vibrant city.
Buenos Aires is a vibrant city – it’s full of life and energy.
A vibrant city is lively and exciting.
a young, vibrant and dynamic company
It always make me happy when I see these vibrant volunteers working.
She was sixteen, young and vibrant.
She likes wearing clothes vibrant in colours.
The colours were vibrant.
vibrant shade of red
France is a vibrant democracy.

Englisch Wort "Dynamiczny"(vibrant) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Slowka angielski

3. Brisk

I was much brisker when I was young.
Business is brisk now and we are up to the elbows in orders.
He took a brisk walk to relax and think the problem over.
Gianini had planned her visit to Goteborg as a brisk
Active and energetic: a good brisk walk business appeared to be brisk
she adopted a brisk, businesslike tone// cold but pleasantly invigorating: the sea was shimmering and heaving beneath the brisk breeze
a brisk walk
I'm going for a brisk walk this afternoon to stretch my legs.
They consulted with Barris, then headed briskly into the forest.
a brisk walk; He set a brisk pace and we struggled to keep up; Her tone on the phone was brisk (= she spoke quickly and used few words); A brisk (= cold but pleasant) wind blew across the field.
It's invigorating to breathe the brisk, fresh mountain air.
Industrial activity is brisk.
Sales at the company zoomed thanks to brisk export demand, but profit did not keep up because of intense competition.
Sales are amazingly brisk.