das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

Odwiedzić kogoś Englisch:

1. come over come over

John should come over to our grandmother.
Please come over here
For the production of his new film, the actor come over from US
come over for a drink
Yes, I was talking about he used to come over here a lot.
Can i come over to your place tonight?
Would you like to come over?
The settlers came over the bridge.; Why don't you come over to England?
I invited them to come over to our house.
She tried to come over me but I was too smart.
You can come over to my house any time you want.
I sometimes come over here after work just to get away.

2. call on sb

3. to pay a visit to sb

Englisch Wort "Odwiedzić kogoś"(to pay a visit to sb) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Nasze Lekcje and the environment

4. Call on somebody

Englisch Wort "Odwiedzić kogoś"(Call on somebody) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Phrasal verbs

5. pay sb a visit

Englisch Wort "Odwiedzić kogoś"(pay sb a visit) tritt in Sätzen auf:

yellow book 1 F,G