das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

Przetrwać Englisch:

1. Survive

A bookstore in that location wouldn't make enough money to survive.
Will our planet survive?
It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.
What? A little soup and celery is all I get? I'm not a Zen monk. I can't survive on an austerity diet like this.
He didn't waste a single minute, thinking constantly about how to survive and how to improve his condition.
To survive, the polar bear must keep its body at the right temperature and store enough energy to last between meals that could be a few days or a few months apart.
Tatoeba: Let the fittest sentence survive!
If you consider the objective of hibernation, I think it's the response of animals trying to somehow survive the winter season with its lack of food.
It's really difficult to survive in a big city like Tokyo without endebting oneself.
Many on-line companies need to have a new approach to business to survive.
By the end of this week, we will have survived longer than anyone else in a place like this
Although divorces are always very paintful, I'm sure he'll survive it.
Then I had to do some tests to see if I could survive in different situations.
To survive in a hostile environment, one must be able to improvize and be tenacious.

Englisch Wort "Przetrwać"(Survive) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Komponent, egzamin B2, biznes cz.1
Matura Focus 4 Wordlist 8 Around The Globe + dodat...

2. get by

Despite having a low income, she manages to GET BY.

Englisch Wort "Przetrwać"(get by) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Czasowniki frazowe bez dopełnienia
Czasowniki frazowe bez dopełnienia

3. get through

This epidemic is awful, but I'm sure we'll get through it somehow.
Just leave everybody alone, and help us get through today.
I couldn't get through.
We will never get through this vocabulary
Will Phoebe get through writing a book about Friends?
He had a terrible headache but managed to get through the day.
You have to get through your revision tonight.
It is hard to get through to the department director.
How can old people get through the cold winters.
I've got to get through this chapter before i go out.
reach sb by telephone/It's hard to get through to Janet
I hope I get through this aerobics class.
And if he can get through to the number you want, what might he say? If he can't get through to the number you want, he might say: " I'm sorry I can't get through. Would you like to hold on or would you prefer to ring back.
I've tried persuasion and punishment, but I just don't seem to be able to get through to him
get through our sadness

4. Endure

How much more suffering can they endure?
I will endure.
But when his promise was required in writing it was more than he could endure.
By the way, it was culture that helped them to endure four years of war.
Before reading the article, she had never wanted to pull a sledge over sea ice or endure temperatures of minus 40 degrees Celsius.
"At the end of the day, we can endure much more than we think we can."
"And once again, three milion people had to endure a day without power."
Most people who've endured a terrible PowerPoint presentation will have experienced boredom.
He endured his ​illness with ​great ​stoicism.
But they had endured and succeeded quite nicely all to themselves.
Comparatively, traditional stainless steel facilities have to endure costs related to cleaning and sterilizing their equipment.
The political system established in 1400 endured until about 1650.
And he wasn't the only one who doubted the relationship would endure.
The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.