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język polski - English

Roztargnienie Englisch:

1. Distraction

It's a distraction.
A social media is a distraction
Watching too much TV can be a big distraction from building a good relationship with children.
It can truck distractions such as time spent on eBuy
I can’t work at home; there are too many distractions.
Thanks to the distraction, he disappeared.
drive sb to distraction
Just create a distraction, sneak up on her and jump her.
Tom, new technology like sat nav has meant new distraction for drivers, hasn't it?
Starting with a population of childless married couples it will give the initial crew a few years to adjust to their new surrounds without the distraction and responsibility of caring for children.
There are many distractions for a car driver, some of which come from other passengers.
This is our three-hour distraction from reality.
urgent distraction from saving your princess
They had to clear their minds of all other distractions, and focus, focus, focus.
My only distraction is the game Go.

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