das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

Szkoła średnia Englisch:

1. high school high school

He never even finished high school.
He’s a teacher at a high school in New York City.

Englisch Wort "Szkoła średnia"(high school) tritt in Sätzen auf:

02 yellow book (C,D)
Houses + education
Sprawdzian Szkoła
fiszki 05-09-2017
system oświaty

2. Secondary School Secondary School

Students take exams at the end of secondary school.
The school is one of six secondary schools in the area
My son thinks his secondary school is superb, and is extremely happy.
I loved my secondary school.
She went to secondary school in her hometown.
My 14-year-old daughter goes to secondary school.
I started secondary school when I was eleven.
After completing my studies I worked as a teacher of French in secondary school.
At present I go to secondary school but I finish it in a year’s time.
We have to find a good secondary school for our children.
When I finish the secondary school, I would like to go to England.
In England you start secondary school at the age of 11 and you can leave at 16 or 18.
At secondary school, some teachers speak to the pupils as though they were adults.
For three years I have attended secondary school.
secondary school teacher

Englisch Wort "Szkoła średnia"(Secondary School) tritt in Sätzen auf:

2021 - File 7 EDUCATION EN
2021 - File 7 EDUCATION PL
fiszki na kartkówkę edukacja
unit 5.1 i 5.2
angielski kartkówka

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