das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

Szkoła podstawowa Englisch:

1. elementary school elementary school

We were at the same elementary school in London.
At the age of 6 children start their elementary school.

Englisch Wort "Szkoła podstawowa"(elementary school) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Mówisz po angielsku? cz1
The education system
Houses + education
Iwona word bank
system oświaty

2. Primary school Primary school

He made a lot of friends in primary school.
I started my education at a local primary school.
In the UK, children begin primary school at the age of 4 or 5.
public primary school
She was the best pupil in the primary school, but in lower secondary school she had problems with maths.
Mys on goes to primary school.
He starts primary school next week.
His mother was a teacher at a local primary school
My interest in art started at primary school. I won a painting competition when I was eight.
In Poland when you turn 7 you start attending primary school.
Which primary school did you go to?
They were at the same primary school in Brighton.
Children start primary school when they are five.

Englisch Wort "Szkoła podstawowa"(Primary school) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Szkoły i edukacja
kartkówka 07.04
angielski kolos 2

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