das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

Wytrzymać Englisch:

1. Withstand

1. This fabric can withstand steam and high temperatures. 2. The Chancellor has withstood the criticism and held firm.
Morality is mostly a matter of how much temptation you can withstand.
withstand forces, pressure, high/low temperature / criticism / scrutiny
Luke prepared Jesus to withstand the rigors of crucifixion
Does this house withstand earthquakes?
Nothing can withstand the power of millions of voices calling for change.
Robots can withstand dangerous conditions.

Englisch Wort "Wytrzymać"(Withstand) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Houdini i Conan Doyle

2. Hang on

Mr Smith is busy at the moment, would you like to hang on for a while?
hang on a minute
[I think we should hang on and see the end of the game.]
Could you hang on a minute while I finish with this customer?
I suppose I could hang on here till she comes back

Englisch Wort "Wytrzymać"(Hang on) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Słówka z filmików

verwandte Wörter

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