das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

Zawrócić Englisch:

1. Turn around

You should turn around because you’re going the wrong way.
Don't turn around!

Englisch Wort "Zawrócić"(Turn around) tritt in Sätzen auf:

It’s not rocket science
Focus 4 unit 7

2. Turn back

After two days we had no money and had to turn back.
We should turn back.
We should turn back
It turned out we had forgotten our passports and we had to turn back.
The weather became so bad that they had to turn back.
I really think we should turn back - it's getting dark and we're not going to get there in time. We can try again tomorrow.

Englisch Wort "Zawrócić"(Turn back) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Pytania o drogę - dialogi/zwroty