das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

bardzo wystraszony Englisch:

1. terrified

She terrified him.
Are there any animals that you're terrified of?
When I met your father, I was terrified. / I feel excited and, at the same time, terrified. / I don't know whether to be charmed or terrified.
Mummy, who's terrified of mice, had two fears to cope with.
The little girl managed to keep silent, having been terrified by the lightning.
I'm terrified of flying. Maggie was terrified that her parents would discover the truth.
I’m terrified of flying. I never travel by plane.
Tom tried to sleep but he felt terrified.
She was terrified at the thought of being alone.
I was absolutely terrified of my French teacher at school. Terrified witnesses know that helping the police can mean their own death.
She heard a strange noise in the middle of the night and she was terrified.
I was more terrified then than I'd ever been before.
I was terrified when i heard the news.
I've never flown before, I'm terrified.
I can't ask for the test results. I'm too terrified to hear them.

Englisch Wort "bardzo wystraszony"(terrified) tritt in Sätzen auf:

repetytorium 1

2. petrified

He stood petrified not able to move or breath
He was petrified with fear.
I'm petrified of spiders.
petrified about the exam
She was petrified that the police would burst in at any moment.
The kids at first were petrified, especially the young boy.
I stood petrified as the most enormous dog I've ever seen came bounding up to me.
I was petrified when the rocks appeared out of nowhere.

3. scared out of wits

4. so scared