She recognized the brooch as the one she had lost a few months before.
She is wearing a brooch.
This brooch doesn't match my earrings.
She decided to wear a smart brownish suit with a gold brooch.
Nothing is more precious to her than the brooch.
The club members agreed to present the seniors with a brooch each.
Englisch Wort "brożka"(brooch) tritt in Sätzen auf:
Słownictwo litera BFiszkownia 12. badge
She was wearing multiple badges on her bag.
Before I tell you anything I want to see your badge.
Wisdom is the badge of maturity.
Everyone at the conference wore a badge with their name on.
wear your ID badge around your neck when you are in College
‘Why, does that need a bloody badge too?’
Look at my badge!
He carried his police badge with great pride.
When I starter school I used to carry a badge with my name.
bruised legs are standard badges of honour
My father is a policeman so he always carries his badge.
Each boy student has a school badge on his cap.
Englisch Wort "brożka"(badge) tritt in Sätzen auf:
Smart Time 1 Unit 1b