das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

czuć się jak u siebie w domu Englisch:

1. make yourself at home make yourself at home

Take off your coat, make yourself at home and I'll make you some hot tea.
Sit down and make yourself at home.

Englisch Wort "czuć się jak u siebie w domu"(make yourself at home) tritt in Sätzen auf:

repetytorium maturalne Longman DOM cz. 2 (R)
dom - phrasal verbs and idioms
DOM bank słów ble ble ble
angol drugi dzial

2. feel at home feel at home

I really feel at home here. I think we should buy the flat.
please, feel at home

Englisch Wort "czuć się jak u siebie w domu"(feel at home) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Jobs in the house/describing a room, place/other w...
24th March 2014
dom sprawdzian

3. make oneself at home make oneself at home

Englisch Wort "czuć się jak u siebie w domu"(make oneself at home) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Wyrażenia z "make" - matura z angielskiego
University (Unit 1 Lesson 4)