das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

dołeczek w policzku Englisch:

1. dimple dimple

Julia has the cutest dimples I've ever seen.
She gets two little dimples when she smiles.
he has such sweet dimples.
A dimple formed in her cheek every time she smiled.
“Perfect idiot, ” she agreed warmly, looking at me straight with her wide-open, earnest eyes and the dimple of a smile on her cheek.

Englisch Wort "dołeczek w policzku"(dimple) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Słowa na D-7
Macmillan PR1

2. dimple in her cheek dimple in her cheek

Englisch Wort "dołeczek w policzku"(dimple in her cheek) tritt in Sätzen auf: