das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

dogadywać się Englisch:

1. get along get along

Why can't you and your sister get along?
Maybe the dog and the owner just don’t get along.
I don't GET ALONG WITH my sister- we have nothing in common. I don't really get along with my sister's husband.
But the real question is, Who does he want to get along with?
Do you get along with your team members?
I good get along with other people.
Do you think the cats and dogs will get along if we put them in a cage together?
I think we are going to get along very well.
if people get along, they like each other and are friendly to each other
Me and Molly get along great.
Well, it turns out Ben and Sting's son do not get along.

Englisch Wort "dogadywać się"(get along) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Gimnazjum repetytorium macmillan unit 1 człowiek
Ewa D. 29th June (45 min)
Phrasal Verbs - Czasowniki frazowe
Ewa D. 22nd July (45 min)
22th of november

2. get on get on

When I get on the plane I always look for the emergency exits.
get on with
The bus was full. We couldn't get on.
Anyway, I'd better get on.
1. He got on his bicycle and rode down the street. 2. Amy and I really get on well.
He’s getting on very well at school. How did you get on at your interview?
After school, I get on my bike and ride home.
He wanted desperately to get on with his career.
Every time I get on my board to dance it is a pure moment of happiness.
get on = to make progress, manage. how did you get on in your exam?. get on with your homework!
In this case, people believe that the couple will not get on and that their marriage will end badly.
make progress (also get along)/Let's get on with the party
enter a bus, train, etc./The train is leaving. Quick, get on!
Can we please get on, because there are a lot of things still to discuss.
Mary gets on a bus number 9 to get to work. / You can pay when you get on the bus.

Englisch Wort "dogadywać się"(get on) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Open World B2 First - Unit 2
Część I - 14.03.2023
personal qualities
Relationships (relacje)
India astrology

3. get on with get on with

Stop talking and get on with your work.
Be quiet and get on with your homework. / The teacher asked the pupils to get on with some work quietly as she had to leave the classroom. / How are you getting on with your Spanish lessons?
How do you get on with your brothers and sisters?
I get on with my mister.
wich of your sisters you get on with?
I often don't have enough time to actually get on with my work
After he left we were able to get on with our normal lives again.
After coffee break we have to get on with the meeting.
I can't help you now. I need to get on with the cooking.
I don’t get on with Anna. She’s really annoying.
I get on with Alice really well. She is such a friendly girl.
I'm just impatient to get on with my life
I don't get on with people who are moody and pessimistic.
Do you get on with your neighbours?
She doesn't get on with her brother, they argue all the time.

Englisch Wort "dogadywać się"(get on with) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Macmillan/Życie rodzinne i towarzyskie
English at Work 00 - 05
Rozdział 4C - przyjaciele
Verbs and collocations

4. get along with get along with

Although she tried hard to get along with her colleagues, she felt like an outsider at work
We don't get along with her.

Englisch Wort "dogadywać się"(get along with) tritt in Sätzen auf:

4b dodatkowa kartka
The parfume of death
Słówka z lekcji

5. get on well get on well

Do they get on well?
I get on well with my children.
all get on well brilliantly
I get on well with my boss
we don't get on well
-What does it mean „get on well with own wife”? -When you have time and fancying to give-and-take.
i get on well with most people

Englisch Wort "dogadywać się"(get on well) tritt in Sätzen auf:

restauracja i inne 10.2012
Total English 2 - słówka zeszyt
angielski 8.1
dział 0 słówka
Kurs Angielskiego 1-573

6. get on well with

I get on well with my wife's parents.
I’m friendly and I get on well with most people.
I get on well with my sister
Do you get on well with your sister?
I get on well with my boss
i get on well with my the oldest brother
Do you get on well with your boss?
she doesn't get on well with her sister

Englisch Wort "dogadywać się"(get on well with) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Test na koniec roku vocabulary
życie rodzinne i towarzyskie
5 - Życie towarzyskie
Czasowniki frazowe

7. to get on with sb

8. get on like a house on fire

Elena and Brooke get on like a house on fire. They've been best friends for 8 years.

Englisch Wort "dogadywać się"(get on like a house on fire) tritt in Sätzen auf:

unit 1 angielski
Colloquial expressions 3