das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

drobne wykroczenie Englisch:

1. minor offence minor offence

He had been in prison several times for minor offences before he decided to change his ways.

Englisch Wort "drobne wykroczenie"(minor offence) tritt in Sätzen auf:

On screen 5 do kartkówki
Module 5 - klasa 1 LO
Violence in the family
On screen b1/b2+ Module 5
on screen b1/b2 unit 5 crime

2. petty crime petty crime

Bank robbery is not a petty crime.
The teenagers were arrested for spraying graffiti on various buildings, which is a good example of the sorts of petty crime young people get involved in round here.
petty crime such as shoplifting is on the increase
They're trying to find the causes of the increase in petty crime.

Englisch Wort "drobne wykroczenie"(petty crime) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Państwo i społeczeństwo, crime and punishment
New Language Leader Upper Int Unit 7-12 Wordlist
angielski slowka grudzien
Various handouts (till 26.01.2014)
crime and criminals