das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

duża szansa Englisch:

1. a high chance a high chance

There is a high chance it will rain tomorrow.

2. ample opportunity ample opportunity

3. Lucky break Lucky break

For several months I couldn't find any work, but then I had a lucky break: a man I met at a party offered me a job.

Englisch Wort "duża szansa"(Lucky break) tritt in Sätzen auf:

sprawdzian z kart pracy słówka

4. strong possibility

5. big break

It was a big break that we found the way to your house.
I didn't expect it to work, it was a big break.
Leonardo di Caprio's big break was Titanic
He had been writing for years, but his big break came when his third novel became a huge international bestseller.

6. decent chance

7. a fair chance