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język polski - English

gładkie włosy Englisch:

1. smooth hair smooth hair

Englisch Wort "gładkie włosy"(smooth hair) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Podstawowe słownictwo angielskie - słówka ze zdań
Ella fryzjer

2. sleek hair sleek hair

3. sleek sleek

Taht night she was wearing an amazing sleek dress.
the sleek lines of the new Mercedes
sleek dark hair
Sea lions got sleek.
The average Westerner, in his sleek complacency, will see in the tea ceremony but another instance of the thousand and one oddities which constitute the quaintness and childishness of the East to him.

4. straight hair straight hair

She ran both hands over her long, straight hair, tucked it behind her ears
She has long straight hair.
I don't like my straight hair.
John has got straight hair.
He has got long, straight hair.
She always wanted to have straight hair.

Englisch Wort "gładkie włosy"(straight hair) tritt in Sätzen auf:

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