das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

haczykowaty nos Englisch:

1. hooked nose hooked nose

Englisch Wort "haczykowaty nos"(hooked nose) tritt in Sätzen auf:

appearance, face, clothes and accessories
Matura Rozszerzoa repetytorium MODUŁ 1
Lesson 4 Vocabulary 3b Appearance
appearance - wyglad zewnetrzny
MAJA B1 Clothes and Accessories

2. hook nose hook nose

Englisch Wort "haczykowaty nos"(hook nose) tritt in Sätzen auf:

i like like like to lick lick lick your man areas
repetytorium maturalne - unit 1
Repetytorium Unit 1 cz.1

3. hooked hooked

She had a hooked nose like a witch.
My neighbour has a long hooked nose which nearly touches his lower lip
I got hooked on Mozart.
She doesn't really read books as she's completely hooked on TV.
hooked nose
The first time my son started reading the book, he got hooked
children who are hooked on computer games
They get you quite hooked.
the moment one is hooked into a habitual negative or self-destruction
It's a lot too thin that our henpecked husband in fact hooked up the wallflower.

Englisch Wort "haczykowaty nos"(hooked) tritt in Sätzen auf:

UNIT 1 - część 2
facial features