das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

jak najszybciej Englisch:

1. asap asap

I need it ASAP.
I need this prototype asap!

Englisch Wort "jak najszybciej"(asap) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Unit 9 Cutting Edge Upper Student's Book
5 In and out of love
08. getting it right
business correspondence
Lipiec 2019 family

2. as soon as possible as soon as possible

Please, call me as soon as possible.
Please send me the form as soon as possible. Without it we are unable to process you payment.
Come here as soon as possible...
This update must be ready as soon as possible.
I must as soon as possible eat dinner.
You have to come here as soon as possible.
Please write back as soon as possible.

Englisch Wort "jak najszybciej"(as soon as possible) tritt in Sätzen auf:

3.3 Can I take a message
3 Lipiec Praca
Planning a journey

3. as soon as possible ASAP as soon as possible ASAP

Englisch Wort "jak najszybciej"(as soon as possible ASAP) tritt in Sätzen auf:

BUSINESS ENGLISH - listopad 2022
Słownictwo dział 4 - praca

4. ASAP as soon as possible ASAP as soon as possible