das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

klakson Englisch:

1. horn horn

Tom played an old Irish song on his new French horn.
The truck driver used his horn to warn the cyclists he was coming up behind them.
Goats have two horns.
Tom spent a lot of time trying to learn how to play the French horn.
Nobody likes him, because he is always blowing his own horn.
To blow a horn.
I bet you'd never heard of a Stroh violin before Tom Waits dug it back up! Anyway, it used a large metal horn as its resonator instead of a wooden box so it could be picked up better by recording equipment before the late 1920s.
The Van Horn family was rich.
The train slowed and blared its horn as it approached the railway crossing.
The realisation that natural materials like ivory, horn, and tortoiseshell were becoming scarce because of over-exploitation prompted chemists to search for a synthetic alternative.
What a horn! This guy can dry laundry on it.
I don't like the look of the horns on that big goat!
The driver behind me kept sounding his horn.
Definition a horn is a device that makes a loud noise as a warning, for example in a car
She therefore came up on this side, opened her own window and tapped her horn lightly to draw attention to the fact that she was there.

Englisch Wort "klakson"(horn) tritt in Sätzen auf:

9.6 before setting off on a journey by car
Enterprise 1 - Companion - Unit 11
Fiszki z książki - "Poems" (Sam G. Goodrich)
słówka 3 - target vocabulary 2
Fiszki z książki - "Young Soldier" (Anonymous)

2. car horn car horn

You can't use your car horn after 10 p.m. in residential areas.
He hearda car horn.

Englisch Wort "klakson"(car horn) tritt in Sätzen auf:

"Władaj i gadaj cz. 1" - rozdział 15 - "W aucie"
Władek 15 W aucie
8 października

3. hoot hoot

the train hooted loudly
They heard the hoot of an owl
I hate people who hoot at me when I slow down at an amber light.
/huːt/ She gave three ​short hoots on the ​car ​horn. He gave a hoot of ​laughter/​derision.
I don't remember exactly but at a specific time they stop and hoot.
The driver hooted his horn but the girl didn’t hear him.
He hooted with laughter.
The car behind was hooting at me.
They don't hoot, but let you pass.
You don't like her but it doesn't mean that you can hoot her.
You are not allowed to hoot your car horn after 10 p.m.

Englisch Wort "klakson"(hoot) tritt in Sätzen auf:

01. Unit 3 - sound and voices, money

4. klaxon klaxon

Englisch Wort "klakson"(klaxon) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Fiszki z książki - "The Lamps of the Angels" (Rich...
Fiszki z książki - ""Same old Bill, eh Mable!"" (E...
Fiszki z książki - "Over the top with the 25th Chr...