das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

krótko mówiąc Englisch:

1. to cut a long story short to cut a long story short

Englisch Wort "krótko mówiąc"(to cut a long story short) tritt in Sätzen auf:

92 Idioms that comment on stories and reports
14. success is a continuous journey
PIOTR - pierwsze półrocze 2023/2024
słówka angielski 4D-4F:)

2. keep it short keep it short

Englisch Wort "krótko mówiąc"(keep it short) tritt in Sätzen auf:

1. Cześć! Nowi ludzie, kilka słów o sobie, jak zag...
Władaj i gadaj 1 - Cześć!
Władaj i Gadaj 01
Pierwsze spotkania
Gadaj i Władaj

3. in a nutshell

I won't give you a long, detailed explanation but, in a nutshell, I couldn't do the job.
Okay, that's our offer in a nutshell. Any questions?
Fortunately we managed to close the debate at last and in a nutshell it was stiff boring.
We have little time, so I'll put it in a nutshell...
I'll tell you about my holiday later, but in a nutshell, it was enjoyable but not fantastic.
I'll tell you about my holiday later, but in a nutshell, it was enjoyable but not fantastic. | He's sympathetic, supportive, generous, a good listener. In a nutshell, he's a really good friend.
Let me put it in a nutshell: "I am leaving."
I don't really like him, in a nutshell, I think he is an idiot.
Well, to put it in a nutshell, we're going to have to start again.
So that's the real shipping process in a nutshell.
She put the matter in a nutshell.
Just give me the facts in a nutshell.
Heading in a nutshell attracts people's attention.
To put in in a nutshell, it was she who dumped him.

Englisch Wort "krótko mówiąc"(in a nutshell) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Angielski słówka cz. 2
Callan-nowy 2
Unit 6 żywność macmillan
Macmillan Unit 6
Słownik tematyczny 06

4. in brief

Could you tell me in brief what has just happened?
world news in brief

Englisch Wort "krótko mówiąc"(in brief) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Business and Economic vocabulary and others
Business and Economic Vocabulary and others
Jet engine 2
Useful words
siodma serka

5. long story short

Well, making a long story short it happened so that...
All right, long story short: I wanna borrow some long bread.

Englisch Wort "krótko mówiąc"(long story short) tritt in Sätzen auf:

zestaw numer 15 (30)
opisanie ludzi
angielsko polski 1
walking dead

6. to be brief

Englisch Wort "krótko mówiąc"(to be brief) tritt in Sätzen auf:

matura ustna
Nasze opinie

7. to put it briefly

Englisch Wort "krótko mówiąc"(to put it briefly) tritt in Sätzen auf:

27August - English Lesson
Linking Words cz2

8. in short

In short, it was outrageous.
In short, I disapprove of this idea.

Englisch Wort "krótko mówiąc"(in short) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Most Frequrently used 8- poczatki zdania
In advance, In case, In charge of, In short, With ...
linking words
Dark Side 001

9. to make a long story short

Englisch Wort "krótko mówiąc"(to make a long story short) tritt in Sätzen auf:

first words uppermediate