das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

kwatera prywatna Englisch:

1. private room

Englisch Wort "kwatera prywatna"(private room) tritt in Sätzen auf:

unit 8 bednarska

2. lodging

If you don't mind, I'll choose our lodging this time.
I pay fifty pounds a week for board and lodging.
He accommodated me with a night's lodging.
The tourist asked for lodging for the night.
There are many students living in lodgings in this area.
I get free lodging in return for cutting the grass and doing different maintenance chores
Rather than lodging power in centralised ministries and unaccountable technocracies, they should devolve it to regions and municipalities.
This building is a capsule hotel lodging men and women.

3. rented room

4. guest house

However, a room in such a hotel may cost even ten times as much as room in a cheap guest house.
A guest house is a smal hotel.

5. B and B

Englisch Wort "kwatera prywatna"(B and B) tritt in Sätzen auf:

ang traveling