das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

lek nasenny Englisch:

1. hypnotic hypnotic

She's very susceptible to hypnotic suggestion.
□ hypnotic /hɪpˈnɒtɪk; US / adj. The rhythmic dance had a hypnotic effect on the audience. ▶ hipnotyczny —hypnotism /ˈhɪpnətɪzəm; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ hipnotyzm —hypnotist /-tɪst; US / noun [countable] ▶ hipnotyzer/ka
When people are being put into a hypnotic state for the first time I often, after placing them in a very light hypnotic state, wake them and ask them to compare their wakening state to that when hypnotised.

Englisch Wort "lek nasenny"(hypnotic) tritt in Sätzen auf:

pharmaceutical 2
respiration system
class of drugs

2. hypnotic drug hypnotic drug

The bromides of sodium and potassium were widely used as hypnotic drugs and sedatives