das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

mamrot Englisch:

1. mumble

I heard him mumble to himself.
Please don't mumble.
He bumped into someone and mumbled an apology.
He always mumbles when he is embarassed.
All I could mumble in response was that when I was a man of fifty, my mother would lean out of the window when I left and remind me not to drive too fast.
... listen to people who mumble.
She mumbled something about being too busy
Some of the brothers mumbled something
He mumbled something under his breath.
Jarred was annoyed, so he mumbled something offensive under his breath.
She mumbled a few words and left.
Joseph mumbled.
he mumbled something she didn't catch
He mumbled something about it being a waste of time.
Oh? Then, as I expected, I've been around longer than you. This year I'm 20-mumble years old. "What does that tell me?"

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