das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

na drodze Englisch:

1. on the way on the way

The paramedics are on the way.
They should be here soon. They are on the way.
I'm on the way to completing the ​report.
I'm on the way
I had a hot dog on the way to Polanica.
I can do shopping on the way.

Englisch Wort "na drodze"(on the way) tritt in Sätzen auf:

lekcja 1 wakacje
Dla pewności
potrzebne słówka
bank słów 27

2. on the road on the road

This time next week we'll be on the road again.
Natasha is on the road all year round.
A mobile phone can be handy when you are on the road.
It turned out that some girl had left pushchair on the road and had forgotten to take it back home.
I have spent half of my life on the road.

Englisch Wort "na drodze"(on the road) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Wypadek na drodze