das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

na pierwszym planie Englisch:

1. in the foreground in the foreground

All of the small children are in the foreground.
in the foreground

Englisch Wort "na pierwszym planie"(in the foreground) tritt in Sätzen auf:

[BB] 2B Shops and services, Photography
Angielski dodatkowy Wojtek słówka i opis obrazka 1.
Kultura 3 i 4 kolumna repetytorium English klasa 8
speaking skills 1- house, holidays,
insight intermediate unit 1 - słówka

2. foreground foreground

Who is the person in the foreground of this photo?
In the foreground we see the inside of a room with a glass door leading into a garden.
in the foreground
... green things in the foreground are mangoes.

Englisch Wort "na pierwszym planie"(foreground) tritt in Sätzen auf:

3 A, B, D, G słówka (Marcinek)
WORKS OF ART cz. 1 unit. 3c
Could you be a spy?
Oski unite 3