das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

na wakacjach Englisch:

1. on holiday on holiday

I'm away on holiday until September 4th.
I'm on holiday
We're not going on holiday this year because we are short of money
I am on holiday with my uncle.
I don't need a laptop. I'm on holiday.
They are on holiday.
Isn't it great to finally be on holiday?
We are going on holiday in July.
Are they here on holiday or on business?

Englisch Wort "na wakacjach"(on holiday) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Unit 1 (poszerzony, słówka z tekstów, zadań, słuch...
Checking into a hotel. Reserving a table.
on, out of, other - przyimki
Click on 2, Unit 2, słownictwo, cz.1
Unit 1 - Family and friends

2. on vacation on vacation

Englisch Wort "na wakacjach"(on vacation) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Lesson - 18.02.2022 (wh-questions)
Beyond Prepositions 22
Language Practice 25
Moje słowa 1