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nie mieć pieniędzy Englisch:

1. to be out of pocket to be out of pocket

Englisch Wort "nie mieć pieniędzy"(to be out of pocket) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Idiomy ubranie 07.02.2019

2. out of pocket out of pocket

What about the people who run things like traditional B and Bs, or commercial car parks – or taxi services – things like that? Won't they be out of pocket?
In some cases, yes, people have been left out of pocket.

3. run out of money run out of money

Englisch Wort "nie mieć pieniędzy"(run out of money) tritt in Sätzen auf:

kartkowka angielski

4. not have a penny to rub together not have a penny to rub together

Englisch Wort "nie mieć pieniędzy"(not have a penny to rub together) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Masterclass Unit10i11

5. lack of money lack of money

6. be in the red be in the red

the company will still be in the red for the rest of this year.
If you don't do something, we'll be in the red.

7. in the red in the red

The company operated in the red last year because they lost a big sum of money.
Our company is in the red.
The company has been in the red for three years now.
My account is $1000 in the red. I have to pay it off as soon as possible.
This perspective clearly shows that the Euro Zone balance sheet is in the red.
The company is in the red this month, so they will fire a lot of people.
The company has been in the red since the price of oil began to rise rapidly
We've been in the red for the past three months.

Englisch Wort "nie mieć pieniędzy"(in the red) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Idiomy z kolorami

8. be broke be broke

Englisch Wort "nie mieć pieniędzy"(be broke) tritt in Sätzen auf:

zakupy i usługi

9. I'm running short I'm running short

10. broke broke

I'm broke.
He broke down completely on hearing of his daughter's death.
I accidentally kicked a large rock and broke my toe.
I'd like to go with you, but I'm broke.
My car, which broke down yesterday, has not been repaired yet.
My friend broke up with his girlfriend and now he wants to go out with me.
Tom broke his right leg and was taken to hospital a few weeks before Christmas.
I had had my watch repaired, but it broke again.
I just lost at the races so I'm flat broke.
We talked and talked until the day broke.
As is often the case with her, she broke her promise.
An awning broke his fall and saved his life.
Tom has been avoiding me like the plague ever since he broke my glasses.
When I was in London last year, someone broke into my room and stole my wallet.
He fell down from the roof, and what made the matter worse, broke his leg.

11. be strapped for cash be strapped for cash

12. be out of money be out of money