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1. anxiety anxiety

Recently what with anxiety and lack of sleep, she has lost almost ten pounds.
I think I'm going to pass out and I nearly die from anxiety.
anger, anxiety and sadness
It is certain that the increase of divorce will lead to anxiety between couples, parents and children.
Using a camera appeases the anxiety which the work driven feel about not working when they are on vacation and supposed to be having fun. They have something to do that is like a friendly imitation of work: they can take pictures.
The anxiety of sellers to avail of prices which look very high.
The animal lacks both anxiety and hope because its consciousness is restricted to what is clearly evident and thus to the present moment: the animal is the present incarnate.
to score high on measures of depression and anxiety than women with normal or high cholesterol.
calm down is the best way to cope with own anxiety, but that can be very difficult and ineffective
Laughing is good for you, isn't it? True, it can reduce anger, anxiety and stress, but according to the BMJ, laughter can occasionally have harmful side-effects for certain people.
An example of anxiety is the feeling you get before a test for which you have not studied.
I'd stop worrying about it and take some action. The anxiety that comes from doing nothing is worse than any danger you might face.
The government-commissioned survey revealed that other issues, such as dog mess and abandoned vehicles, also cause so much anxiety that they can affect our quality of life.
Dr. Thatcher diagnosed her patient with generalized anxiety disorder because his symptoms didn't point to other diagnoses.

2. concern

Excessive concern with safety can be dangerous.
statement concerning
Your concern for Her Eminence is appreciated and acknowledged. Your questions primarily concern genuine legislative committees.
The 'deep concern' of the Romanian parliament is completely unfounded and unjustified.
The impact of Emmet's theory on physics has been widely discussed, but this is not my concern in this paper.
Well then, it becomes a matter of urgent concern to the lurkers of this mailing list whether the guilty party confesses or not.
No, please don't concern yourself. I have learnt to do as the Romans when in Rome.
The loss of childhood spontaneity has caused widespread concern, as well as calls for review of the nation's educational and social structures.
We insist that during the next three days you make decisions which are fair to all generations and which show an active concern for the environment.
Where our children's education is concerned, no compromise is acceptable.
concerning decent conduct
There were lots of people on Facebook and others going out to look for him, so people were very concerned for him.
I think that his visits are the only real chance I get to talk about things that are worrying me - my health, my concerns about my grandson and his future, how to keep going
The safety of the ship is the captain's concern. The budget overspend is a matter of concern. The decision will concern mainly small businesses.
The recent rise in crime is a matter of considerable public concern.