das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

nieskazitelnie czysty Englisch:

1. spotless spotless

I don't know how she keeps such a spotless kitchen.
The wardrobe was spotless.
her shirt was old but spotlessly clean
Your house is spotless! How did you do that?
my face is spotless - there are no beauty spots

Englisch Wort "nieskazitelnie czysty"(spotless) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Describing a house and rooms in a house
Unit 2 Miejsce zamieszkania Repetytorium str. 37
Repetytorium - dział 2 - Miejsce zamieszkania
Miejsce zamieszkania cz.2

2. immaculate immaculate

The room is in immaculate order.
in immaculate condition
I'm proud owner of an immaculate lawn in front of my house.
the most immaculate and well-designed home or office
Her handwriting is immaculate
The whole house was absolutely immaculate.
small but immaculate bathroom
He wore an immaculate dark blue suit.
Joan, the party's a hit and the house is immaculate.
He gave an immaculate performance as the aging hero.
Immaculate conception simply means that the Virgin Mary herself was born without original sin. Virgin birth is how Christ came about.

Englisch Wort "nieskazitelnie czysty"(immaculate) tritt in Sätzen auf:

17 lipca 2/3
24 pizdziernik
11 maja nowe

3. pristine

My intensions are pristine.
If you've ever driven by a pristine field carpeted with bright yellow flowers, perhaps you've wondered what this crop is used for.
I bought a 5-month-old washing machine in a pristine condition.
pristine wilderness
Greece has 13,676 km of pristine coastline with some of the cleanest beaches in Europe.
We moved into a pristine new office.
Washing machine for sale - only two months old and in pristine condition.
My office is a mess but her office is always pristine

Englisch Wort "nieskazitelnie czysty"(pristine) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Newsweek 8 April
Z2 12.12.2013

4. immaculately clean

Englisch Wort "nieskazitelnie czysty"(immaculately clean) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Maximus ang-pl
Vocabulary 07