das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

objąć stanowisko Englisch:

1. take up a position take up a position

Englisch Wort "objąć stanowisko"(take up a position) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Macmillan repetytorium 2015 - 04 Praca (extended o...
Job market / Rynek pracy
Job market - Rynek pracy cz.2
Repetytorium - dział 4 - Praca
Słownik tematyczny 04 Praca

2. take a position take a position

Englisch Wort "objąć stanowisko"(take a position) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Praca słownik
slowka praca
vocab. unit 7

3. assume the position

4. take up

I thought I'd take up fishing...
In my defence, all I can say is, you do take up a lot of space.
take up a hobby\sport
take up swimming / take up a career as an actor
Computers used to take up a whole room, and now you can carry one in your pocket.
I'd like to take up Spanish so that I can go to Argentina for a holiday.
Do you know how to take up trousers?
One day I came up an idea that I will take up guitar.
He could take up skateboarding <begin a new activity or hobby>
When people retire, they usually take up a hobby, or a sport of some description, or do some gardening.
Reluctant users slow to take up videoconferncing
Please, you take up my challenge!
He says he's now looking for a woman to take up with.
The CEO would be happy to take up your kind offer.
to take up too much space. the shopping took (up) a lot of time