das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

oderwać Englisch:

1. break away

She wanted to break away from the traditional image wife.
Children like to break away from their parents
The man grabbed her but she managed to break away.
1) Anna tried to break away, but he held her tight. 2) One or two of the tourists broke away from the tour group.

Englisch Wort "oderwać"(break away) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Technical English 4 unit 3 (part 1)
Divine 20 zw. wtorek Iz 7:1-17
Spain and Catalonia
B2++ semestr drugi
Phrasal verbs 1

2. to tear

Englisch Wort "oderwać"(to tear) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Intermediate 3
24,01,2015 npe

3. tear off

I've gotta tear off- call me tomorrow.
It's late. I have to tear off.

Englisch Wort "oderwać"(tear off) tritt in Sätzen auf:

technical english 3 unit 1

4. take off

We have to wait for another plane to leave the runway before we can take off.
Her singing career had just begun to take off.
take off your jacket
May I take off my coat, please? / 2. Michael takes off his jacket and lies on the bed.
where i can take off my hoodie? your plane took (taken) off away an hour ago
When we got there it was snowing heavily, and the plane couldn’t take off, so we had to come home.
When I was young I loved watching planes take off. / She is really good at taking her teacher off. / He was so tired that he didin't even take his clothes off
Young children often take off their older siblings.
You can take off your t-shirt if you're feeling too hot.
Do you take off your shoes when you get into somebody else’s flat or house?
If you're hot, why not take off that jumper?
That is very important in order for us to know which aeroplanes can take off and when.
When I get home I always take off the jacket first and then the shoes.
I’d better take my shoes off. The plane should take off on time. Her business has really taken off. I’m taking Monday off to go to London.
The judge stared at Gandih and finally told him to take off his turban

Englisch Wort "oderwać"(take off) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Rozdział 3C - dążenie do celu

5. rip off

Some restaurants try to rip off foreign tourists
John wouldn't dare to rip off a bank.

6. tearaway

I've never seen such a tearaway before!