das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

odrodzenie się Englisch:

1. resurgence resurgence

But now Windows PCs are having a resurgence, this time in a new, 21st-century skin: the two-in-one.
The definition of a resurgence is a new start, or a revival. resurgence in demand/popularity/interest
Biker jackets are always cool––but in certain decades they experience a resurgence, and suddenly you see them everywhere.
The most important cause of the global depression at that time was a resurgence of protectionism.
accompanying this resurgence came sth altogether unanticipated
There has been some resurgence in economic activity recently
Police say criminals are behind the resurgence of violence 2. The resurgence of interest in the sacred tribal medicines, which began with a few dedicated and often desperate seekers, 3... a period of economic resurgence.

Englisch Wort "odrodzenie się"(resurgence) tritt in Sätzen auf:

WSL - unit 7
English Matters 105

2. rebirth rebirth