I received my bonus.
Do not sign a delivery receipt unless it accurately lists the goods received.
I wonder if you received my e-mail on January 10, since I have not heard anything from you yet.
Budget items that received priority are education, social security and other fields that are closely related to people's lives.
Reason is feminine in nature; it can only give after it has received. Of itself it has nothing but the empty forms of its operation.
The very pure spirit does not bother about the regard of others or human respect, but communes inwardly with God, alone and in solitude as to all forms, and with delightful tranquility, for the knowledge of God is received in divine silence.
In real life, help is given out of friendship, or it is not valued; it is received from the hand of friendship, or it is resented.
This summer, no scholarships were awarded to students who received one last year.
This means that our perception of any situation depends only partly on sensory signals being received at that time.
We experience and understand the world through signals that are received by the senses and interpreted by the brain - and both stages are subject to distortion.
The seventy disciples received the teaching of Confucius in the oral form, for words that satirize, criticize, praise, conceal, suppress, or ridicule cannot appear in writing.
Nothing is left so vividly in our mind as the impressions we received in our younger days.
I have received personal information, from a very high quarter, that a certain document of the last importance, has been purloined from the royal apartments.
Pythagoras used to say that he had received as a gift from Mercury the perpetual transmigration of his soul, so that it was constantly transmigrating and passing into all sorts of plants or animals.
It's a surprise.
The girl, who had her head on the boy's shoulder, looked around in surprise.
They have us out-gunned, but we'll have the element of surprise.
No matter how sneaky you are, you can never surprise yourself.
You shouldn't have let the cat out of the bag about being pregnant so soon. I wanted to surprise everyone.
Imogen of the Internet expresses genuine surprise that other people's favorite radio stations are not M3U streams from servers halfway across the world.
Declaring war after a surprise attack is to be expected, but killing over ten thousand non-combatants with a bomb is something unheard of.
The main race yesterday was no surprise. That's the kind of race you can bank on.
If you cut class or something...it wouldn't surprise you if it showed up on your report card, would it?
Her resignation came as a complete surprise. I didn't know that my parents were coming - it was a lovely surprise.
After the earthquake, people stared into the deep hole in the ground in surprise.
All at once I saw a human form in the distance, and, to my surprise, soon recognized that the traveler was a woman.
In order to give him a surprise on his birthday, I prepared a fantastic cake.
Sony ambitiously revealed its newest project early in order to take competitors by surprise.