das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

pęseta Englisch:

1. tweezers

Nurse tweezers please. (operating room)
I’ll need my nail clippers, nail file, and tweezers to do my nails and my plucking.
These elements are tiny, so you'll probably need a pair of tweezers.
Women commonly use tweezers mainly for tasks such as plucking hair from the face or eyebrows

Englisch Wort "pęseta"(tweezers) tritt in Sätzen auf:

British Council I'd love to join you
Unit 4 - Listening and vocabulary
Unit 1 Speaking Writing Skills review
kosmetyki i akcesoria kosmetyczne
Kosmetyki i akcesoria kosmetyczne

2. forceps

My forceps.
forceps /ˈfɔ: seps; US / noun [pl.] a special instrument that looks like a pair of scissors but is not sharp. Forceps are used by doctors for holding things firmly a pair of forceps ▶ kleszcze

Englisch Wort "pęseta"(forceps) tritt in Sätzen auf:

unit 15 blood pressure