das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

płacić karta Englisch:

1. pay by card pay by card

A customer can pay by card.

Englisch Wort "płacić karta"(pay by card) tritt in Sätzen auf:

angielski szkoła sorawdzian
sklepy i usługi
żywienie: czesc 2
Business lunch

2. pay by credit card pay by credit card

It's comfortable to pay by credit card but it's easy to lose control over one's expenses.
I like to pay by credit card.
Can I pay by credit card?
You can pay by credit card here.
I usually pay by credit card when I go shopping.
It is the only store that allows you to pay by credit card.

Englisch Wort "płacić karta"(pay by credit card) tritt in Sätzen auf:

buying and selling