das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

park rozrywki Englisch:

1. amusement park amusement park

I'd like to go to amusement parks more often.
Have you tried a ride on the big wheel at the amusement park? It’s so exciting.

Englisch Wort "park rozrywki"(amusement park) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Chapter 6 - That's entertainment (inne słówka)
"Władaj i gadaj cz. 1" - rozdział 13 - "Zwiedzanie"
słówka 57 na 5 grudnia
G. Kardaś SPEAKUP EL2 U1
Oxford 34 lekcja 3

2. theme park theme park

I used to love going to theme parks.
We're taking him to a theme park as a treat for his birthday.
Children are in the theme park.
A theme park named Dickens World opened in Kent in 2007

Englisch Wort "park rozrywki"(theme park) tritt in Sätzen auf:

kultura - macmillan matura podstawowa
Trips and sightseeing / Wycieczki i zwiedzanie
New Exam Connections Unit 5-nouns
Poprawa sprawdzianu- 3 i 4 dział (by nanoko)

3. Theme park Theme park

I used to love going to theme parks.
We're taking him to a theme park as a treat for his birthday.
Children are in the theme park.
A theme park named Dickens World opened in Kent in 2007

Englisch Wort "park rozrywki"(Theme park) tritt in Sätzen auf:

składanie reklamacji, usługi, reklama, zwroty
zakupy i usługi 2 i 3
Wycieczki i zwiedzanie
living in a city
samoloty bagaże te sprawy

4. funfair funfair

They love going to the funfair and have asked their parents to take them to Allou Fun Park in Athens.
All the children are going to the funfair on Friday.

Englisch Wort "park rozrywki"(funfair) tritt in Sätzen auf:

city of the future