Just sign here.
Do not sign a delivery receipt unless it accurately lists the goods received.
Even at the end of the nineteenth century, sailors in the British Navy were not permitted to use knives and forks because using them was considered a sign of weakness.
To get technical information from that company, we first have to sign a non-disclosure agreement.
The most perfect ape cannot draw an ape; only man can do that; but, likewise, only man regards the ability to do this as a sign of superiority.
Thunder has been explained scientifically, and people no longer believe it is a sign that the gods are angry with them, so thunder, too, is a little less frightening.
He turned to his orange juice sullenly, sneering that every little additive would sign him up for experiments he wanted no part in.
I don't understand why they moved the soft sign in the Ukrainian alphabet; it seemed much more logical for me when it came at the end.
A stop sign in Japan has 3 sides, whereas a stop sign in the U.S. has 8 sides.
The sign for siblings in Japanese sign language could well be misunderstood by many Americans with disastrous consequences.
After countless burials of the hatchet, we always dig it up again. There doesn't seem to be any sign of an ever-lasting peace.
A sign is a clue something happened, or a display that communicates a message, like a stop sign that tells you stop. To sign also means to write your signature.
If you sign up to Facebook, your information will be sent to intelligence agencies.
I'd like to set up a sign like, "This Way ->," but what would it be if I made it in English?
The treaty was signed.
Terms were signed between Japan, Germany, Great Britain and the United States.
His oral agreement may not mean anything without his signed contract.
At the bottom of the letter he wrote "Kind regards," then signed his name.
Many countries have signed a treaty to eliminate nuclear weapons.
In the late eighteenth century, a passport for an American was usually signed by the President of the United States.
We can lift the restrictions on imports once the joint agreement is signed.
I was able to obtain a personally signed ball.
Well over three thousand people signed to prevent the demolition of this historic building.
Prospectuses must be signed by two sponsor representatives.
If you say "I was tricked," well that's certainly so but there's no mistaking that you were the one who signed up on a "sweet deal".
When I reached the hall right away the person in charge unrelentingly said things like "This painting is certain to increase in value in the future," and I went and signed the contract.
We were tied to our decision because we signed the contract.
Unless otherwise decided by the directors, if the company has a common seal and it is affixed to a document, the document must also be signed by at least one authorised person in the presence of a witness who attests the signature.
The present agreement is put forth in two copies, signed by the two parties.
signs off
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