das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

podróż w interesach Englisch:

1. business trip business trip

I'll be on business trip on 20th of May.
Jack often goes on business trips.
He is on business trip.
The employer shall cover expenses related to the business trip.
My mum used to go away on business trips.
James is going on a business trip to Singapore next week.
I sometimes like going on business trips
I can't meet with you next week, I will be away on a business trip.

Englisch Wort "podróż w interesach"(business trip) tritt in Sätzen auf:

type of holiday & journey's and trip
Marketing - słówka angielskie
lekcja 05/08/15
podrozowanie i turystyka

2. travel on business travel on business

She does not have to travel on business.

Englisch Wort "podróż w interesach"(travel on business) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Transport cz I

3. business travel business travel