das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

ponieść odpowiedzialność Englisch:

1. face the music face the music

You have done wrong and now will have to face the music.
It was his fault and he felt it necessary to own up and face the music.
You did a bad thing and now you have to face the music.
I don't like when I have to face the music for somebody else.
I went home to face the music.
The others ran away, leaving him to face the music.
I guess it is time for Chris to stop avoiding his boss and face the music about his mistakes

Englisch Wort "ponieść odpowiedzialność"(face the music) tritt in Sätzen auf:

słówka dział 9

2. to bear responsibility to bear responsibility

Englisch Wort "ponieść odpowiedzialność"(to bear responsibility) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Independence day clashes

3. bear a responsibility bear a responsibility

Englisch Wort "ponieść odpowiedzialność"(bear a responsibility) tritt in Sätzen auf:

The testament - 2 (dla chętnych)

4. be held responsible be held responsible

5. be held accountable be held accountable

Englisch Wort "ponieść odpowiedzialność"(be held accountable) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Sylwia rzymczyk

6. To carry the can To carry the can

7. claim responsibility claim responsibility

8. incur a liability incur a liability

9. bear the responsibility bear the responsibility

10. take responsibility take responsibility

We want someone who takes responsibility for their own work. It's time for the company to take responsibility for its actions.
Yes, we have to take responsibility for our many failures, but we did not act alone.

11. incur liability incur liability