das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

potkniecie Englisch:

1. slip

Slip on your shoes.
He knows that his critics are waiting to pounce on any slip that he makes.
It's a good idea to bring something to slip on over your bathing suit.
Certainly there is nothing that will separate people more, and nothing so easy to slip into.
The exchange unfolding in front of my eyes had not a single millimetre of a gap in which for me to slip.
The stages of psychosexual development—oral, anal, phallic, latent, and genital—turn out to be one big Freudian slip, betraying severe anal retention on the part of the taxonomist.
If you sleep on your back it's easier for your upper airway to be obstructed because your tongue, uvula, etc. slip towards the back of your throat.
A Freudian slip is when you mean one thing, but you say your mother.
It wasn't my slip. (To nie była moja pomyłka.) There was a slip in her documents, did you correct it? (W jej dokumentach był błąd, poprawiłeś to?)
A single slip could be very dangerous, considering how high up the mountain they were.
I made just an accidental slip.
Clean spills immediately to avoid slips
Give me some slip, if you want to have my number.
people end up hospitalized every year from slipping on dog poop
Just one slip and you'll be mistaken for a troll and flamed.

Englisch Wort "potkniecie"(slip) tritt in Sätzen auf:

wpadki i troche kultury wig 9
Wpadki i trochę kultury
wladaj i gladaj

2. trip

This will be a good souvenir of my trip around the United States.
Enjoy your trip.
A trip to the Riviera should do you good.
A friend I went with on our first trip abroad had his wallet pickpocketed. I don't think it left a very good impression.
Because of the typhoon, my parents ended their trip one day early.
A trip to Hawaii costs around 200 dollars.
A little knowledge of Spanish will go a long way toward making your trip to Mexico enjoyable.
A trip by boat takes longer than by car.
The only time he feeds the dog is when his wife is away on a trip.
A trip to Mars may become possible in my lifetime.
All during my trip I could not keep you out of my mind.
I tripped and hit my head against the wall.
His trip was hilarious, I couldn't stop laughing!
Watch your step, or else you will trip on the baggage.
A trip to Hokkaido is not a trip to Hokkaido unless you try the seafood.

3. tumble

The water tumbled over the rocks.
He slipped and tumbled down the stairs.
The whole building tumbled and there were many people killed.
The tumble hurt him badly.
The typhoon caused a tree to tumble on my yard.
I saw a girl tumble and ran to her in spite of myself.
the subject tumbles down through his own arterial network
As the Nasdaq did fall, and our tech stocks did crumble, I was one of many, who took that corporate tumble.
tumble in the sea
I tumbled down the hill after I feel while skiing.
Everybody began to tumble, one after the other, like dominoes.
if battery costs continue to tumble...
I was tidying up my wardrobe, trying to organise things... and suddenly hundreds of shoes tumbled on my head!
Dreams cam tumble
We don't have a tumble dryer.